Todd Hertzberg


Todd has lived in Northwest Arkansas for 20 years. He works with people of Fayetteville every day as a small business owner. A background in Economics and over 13 years of experience working with the homeless give him unique insight about the modern challenges of a city. If elected, Todd will be the only city council member west of I-49, living just off Rupple Road.

Todd will be a voice of wisdom, balance, and empathy on the city council, as he shines light on crucial priorities to help our beautiful city and its people.

Endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police

Keep our kids safe

Continue to fund our city’s School Resource Officer (SRO) program

Keep our city safe

Support our First Responders

Fayetteville Fraternal Order of Police Endorsement Letter

Keep our city livable

“Smart Infill” over high-density chokeholds

Keep our city empathetic

Tackle the homelessness and housing affordability issues